BSO Svendborg builds on a foundation of practical experience related to maintenance and corrosion
protection of ships. Our strength lies in concrete practical guides that are presented to the crew with
great examples from maintenance on sea. Over time, we have assisted more than 180 ships in improving
their maintenance.

Our goal is to achieve the best possible corrosion maintenance on board, while the ship is in service.

We belive in making the maintenance procedures Efficient – Practical – Easy.

Efficient maintenance, doing it right the first time and thereby saving time. Having the right tools and the right knowledge is key.

Practical guides and CBT training. Supporting the crew with easy-to follow guides, videos and manuals.

Easy access to tools, guides and know-how is very important. Making it easy to do it right. It is all about making it easy for the crew to do it right.

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I had the pleasure of working with Bo Sørensen, and admired the corrosion prevention techniques employed by him. He is positively someone who believes in action and that gives good examples of planning, preparation and prevention which are practical to follow.
M. Chaturvedi
I had the pleasure to work with Bo Sørensen, and I am truly honored to have received his advice and guidance under circumstances which could have been difficult to handle. He is supportive, a source of great information, and his supervision and training on cosmetic maintenance is quite commendable. Bo is positively someone who believes in action and gives good examples of planning, preparation and prevention which are practical to follow.
S. Roy
Chief Officer

Our goal is to achieve the best possible corrosion maintenance on board, while the ship is in service.

Bo Sørensen
Founder & CEO

Cost efficient and work efficient corrosion maintenance at sea

With more than 29 years of experience within the maritime industry, I understand how to optimize ship maintenance under service, thereby utilizing the crew’s full working hours.
My experience allows me to understand the importance of developing efficient strategies that include application of the right materials. Building on this experience, I develop user-friendly instructions and guidelines (e.g. videos), ensuring efficient and lasting maintenance.

2017: Founder BSO Svendborg – Maritime Maintenance

2016: Coating Inspection Course from HEMPEL Academy

2016: Maintenance officer Torm A/S

  • Travelling and conducting onboard courses to build up cosmetic-maintenance learning and development fleetwide
  • Status reporting and budgeting on individual vessels
  • Overseeing purchasing and budgeting of paint, tools and manpower

2014: Vessel Manager Torm A/S

  • Daily tasks, dry dockings, budgetting

2012: HSSE Manager, Torm A/S

  • Incident investigations, Environmental compliance, Marine advisor

1998 – 2012: Sailing as an officer in the merchant navy and Royal Danish Navy in various ranks and companies