The emerging art of whipping rope ends with duct tape should be put to a full stop.
When visiting or joining vessels, I often see loose rope ends falling apart. This bothered me quite a lot.
After investigating this, I found out that the majority of the senior officers never learned how to do it properly, and therefore, they could not teach the crew to do it right.
We get what we ask for
It is a really good job for the OS and other OOW during anchor- or gangway watches, to do whippings, and it will improve the appearence on deck tremendously.
Step by step guide for quick whippings:








If you can pull the whipping off by hand, it is not tight enough.

To do a good whipping you will need:
Some vessels lack the basic equipment to do whippings.
I usually embark with the below.
It is not that expensive.
Basic whipping:
• Manila 2,5 kg
• Polypropylene 2,5 kg
• Wax Bee 500 gram
IMPA 211422
IMPA 211421
IMPA 232277
Advanced whipping:
• Needle Sailmakers #12
• Palm Sailmakers Leather Right
IMPA 232267
IMPA 232261
It will be a good day when all rope ends look like this:

Feel free to use the content onboard, and if you have have any comments or questions to this blog post, or corrosion maintenance in general leave a comment or send me a message.
Safe sailing